This is a one-hour-plus presentation of what is probably the most important energy document to come our way since the 2007 Stern Review climate study. Never forget that job one as an American is building the future of the world. The more you know, the stronger we are as a nation and the more likely it is we will be coming through this 50-year nightmare of global conflict over oil into a better, stronger world. The Future of Solar Energy Study Launch Event Related articles Paris climate summit: Carbon pledges to fall short of warming goal, Stern warns Divesting in Trustee Wussyness: College Campuses and Climate Change Action What is the Role for Business in Addressing Climate Change? Take the time. Watch the launch event and download the PDF for summer reading.
Divesting in Trustee Wussyness: College Campuses and Climate Change Action — This spring Swarthmore College’s students, alumni and faculty stood up to demand that the school’s Board of Managers (their trustees) divest funding in fossil fuel businesses and technologies. I reported on that here in “The State of the War on Climate Change” a few weeks ago. The Board of Managers voted down that option just days later. What I also reported on in that essay was that this is just the beginning of campus actions to divest in institutional money-making from investments in fossil fuel related businesses. You will read a lot of “reasoning” by trustees and boards on why, while they completely agree with the issues climate change brings up, they cannot vote to re-direct institutional investment policy away from fossil fuels. The bottomline, the only real issue here, is financial risk. Fossil fuel investments have ... >> click the link at the top ...